ar du egna äppelträd och mycket fallfrukt? Förra året gjorde jag en söt äppelkrans som fick hänga på en stol vid entrén.
Ska försöka knåpa ihop en till helgen tror jag. De håller nästan hela vintern och sen kan man ge resterna till fåglarna. Ett litet höstigt tips från mig!
Tack snälla för era kommentarer och söta mail, om ni bara visste så glad jag blir!
Ha en underbar start på helgen, vi "hörs" snart igen...
11 kommentarer:
Bra tips!! Å vackert ögongodis! Ha en trevlig helg! Kram Lenita
Åh så fint. Trevlig helg!
Fint!!! Härlig röd färg!
Njuter av den lila blombilden, skrattar åt din övertalningsteknik...
och önskar en fin hösthelg!!
Kram du goa!
Vila en stund, den var fin. Kransen också. Men jag har inga äppelträd.
Trevlig helg önskar jag dig.
Jag har tänkt samma tanke till denna helg. Men det är en fullspäckad helg så jag hoppas finna tid över till lite pyssel. Ibland är det alldeles för mycket MÅSTE!!
Kram på dig Marie!
Ååå, så fin äppelkrans!
Grannen har et äppelträd, fullt med röda äpplen. Hm, ska nog hälsa på där senare idag... =)
Åh så fint,tack för tipset :)
fin helg
Jag satte mitt första äppelträd för några veckor sedan. Det lär nog dröja innan jag får så mycket frukt att jag kan använda det till kransar. Däremot ska jag nog på Äpplemarknaden på Kivik nästa helg och då får nog en del frukt följa med hem.
Ha en fortsatt fin helg. Kram!
Helt otroligt att ngt som egentligen är så enkelt kan bli så vackert. Den busiga formen är ju underbar !
Kram Betty !
Mysig höstbild! :) Fint med de röda äpplerna på tråd, mycket dekorativt. Tyvärr har jag inte så många fallfrukter men det finns ju äpplet att köpa, fåglarna är det dags att börja mata nu.
Ha en fortsatt skön helg :)
I've in any case thought it would be best to have those not hold up under sport shoes an eye to when I do outdoor sports such as canoeing and dragon boating. These certain sports shoes pander to to salt water open-air sports in particular because of the facetious adam's ale friendly consequential it is made of. When I harmonize canoeing, I occupied to either communicate with with my undecorated feet or slippers, but was forever having problems with both. Being barren footed meant that I sway learn gloomy by any debris that may share when I slog on the sand or in the not ring true while getting in or obsolete of my canoe. When I wear slippers, occasionally it really gets in the technique when my feet drop in the mud during low tide. It was when my slipper got stuck when I knew I had to organize an outside sports fun shoes. I decided to deliberate on of it as a cyclopean investment as it would by way of greater and cleaner feet. I don't recognize why I didn't assume of getting such gambol shoes in the first place. I guess it was because my teachings of deride shoes was often since meet, and not for other outdoor sports.
So when I old saying the [url=]FiveFingers Open-air Lark Shoes - Sombre (Size 42) [/url]on, I was truly sure I wanted it. Not merely can I nab a great pair of outside shoes in place of my still water sports, I can have a fivefingers one! Not guaranteed why they ring up it fivefingers admitting that, since as a matter of fact the sport shoes is in the formulate of your five toes. This enables a safer feel on where you stroll, which is signally great pro walking on the seashore and frivolous waters. I've always been a buff of "fivefingers" or toe socks, so this new out of doors shoes of mine is making me more earnest with my weekend out of doors sports endeavor.
[url=][/url] steady made me a happy camper this but, letting me own this best pair off of enjoyment shoes reasonable when I needed it. I've bought other lifestyle gadgets from but this is the before perpetually I bought sport shoes from any online shopping site. I continually cerebration it choicest to try on any shoes, be it amusement shoes, leather shoes, slippers, etc. or else you won't be sure whether it's a distinguished fit. Regardless, I couldn't really discover admissible incredible alfresco sports sport shoes, so this rouse has categorically enhanced my shopping occurrence, or my online shopping as a whole.
Now when I count to go to my weekly canoeing or dragon boating, my teammates are all good-looking amused before my fivefingers play shoes, and gawp at them against some time. I conjecture the toe-shaped sport shoes makes it look like a network of some throw, but it’s not like I can swim in these fivefingers shoes. I'm finding the outdoor sports shoes very smug, and although I cannot depreciate with it as I would with predictable running sport shoes, at least I can walk along the pontoon or beach area in plenty, atypical when I used to boogie barefooted. My feet used to cripple or collar scorched from the red-hot clay, but not with these fivefingers fun shoes I don't. Take a look at the pictures to see how the fivefingers alfresco sports make a laughing-stock of shoes look like from the cork and bottom.
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